News behind the News – 08 July 2019

(sharon) #1


20 News the Newsbehind JULY 08, 2019

face acute digital dependencies on
their respective digital overlord (US
or China), as the latter controls data-
driven digital intelligence running
their various sectors.”

With the outlook being so dismal,
Singh says “countries like India
should explore the combination of
a geopolitical approach of digital
non-alignment, with a practical one
of diligently promoting open digital
value chains.

“Digital non-alignment implies
deliberate economic and political
investments to avoid getting too
closely hooked to either of the digital
superpower’s digital products and
services. Its technical, policy-legal
and business model complement is to
establish open digital value chains.”

Most importantly, “India needs a
strong domestic digital industry in
most, if not all, key links of the digital
value chain. We are increasingly being
left with digital economy’s physical
elements — cars, drivers, logistics,
manufacturing, hospitals, schools, and
so on. Th e data driven digital brain
at the top of the digital value chain
in every sector is either in the US
(largely) or China.....

“What is required is a strong
and clear-headed digital industrial
policy, which aims foremost at the
layer of highest value: data. After all,
the most important data needed to
manage various sectors in India is
local — arising from us and about us.
Th is provides the basis for claiming
legal ownership over such data,
and channelling it for development
of Indian digital industry. India’s
draft e-commerce policy attempts
precisely that through the concepts
of community data and national
data. It also proposes adequate legal
and technical frameworks to make
such data available for India’s digital

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Special StudY
Order Now!
“Kashmir 2019: Strong-arm methods,

political vacuum, living on hope”

Kashmir is viewed internationally as a potential nuclear βlashpoint, given
the fact that it has been for the last seven decades a bone of contention
between the two nuclear-armed South Asian nations, India and Pakistan. It
is one of the world’s oldest unresolved disputes that has deβied UN mediation
or intervention.
With Indian general elections around the corner, Prime Minister Modi
spent almost an entire day in the state on February 3, 2019, launching a slew
of development projects, from a hospital to a sports complex, a university
campus to a hydroelectric project, in a bid to woo the 15 million people of the
state that is a part of India, while a third of whose original territory is now
part of Pakistan and a sliver with China.
All eyes are now on the Election Commission to see whether the state
elections in Jammu and Kashmir will be held along with the national elections
in India. Will the exercise in democracy bring new hope for Kashmir and its
people? Will the new Indian government - if it comes with a strong mandate - be
able to look at Kashmir in a new light and talk with the disaff ected in Kashmir
and with Pakistan to write a new story for the state and its people?
Asia News Agency’s New Special Study on “Kashmir 2019: Strong-arm
methods, political vacuum, living on hope” examines these various issues and
gives a rare background, analysis and interpretation on what ails the state, its
tortuous history, its recent contretemps and hopes, if any, for the future.
The new Special Study is now available for INR. 4000 in print version and
for INR. 3500 in electronic version. Orders can be placed to Ms.Neetu Singh
at 9810622100 Email id:[email protected]
Free download pdf