Subject: Returned Mail: User Unknown 67
- Farmers consider bats their friends because of the insects they eat.
Farmers consider Sendmail their friend because it gets more college-
educated people interested in subsistence farming as a career.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Stay tuned for
the .22 penetration test results!
Subject: Returned Mail: User Unknown .....................................
A mail system must perform the following relatively simple tasks each
time it receives a message in order to deliver that message to the intended
- Figure out which part of the message is the address and which part
is the body. - Decompose the address into two parts: a name and a host (much as
the U.S. Postal System decomposes addresses into a name, a
street+number, and town+state.) - If the destination host isn’t you, send the message to the specified