(singke) #1
Subject: Returned Mail: User Unknown 67

  • Farmers consider bats their friends because of the insects they eat.
    Farmers consider Sendmail their friend because it gets more college-
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I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Stay tuned for
the .22 penetration test results!


Subject: Returned Mail: User Unknown .....................................

A mail system must perform the following relatively simple tasks each
time it receives a message in order to deliver that message to the intended

  1. Figure out which part of the message is the address and which part
    is the body.

  2. Decompose the address into two parts: a name and a host (much as
    the U.S. Postal System decomposes addresses into a name, a
    street+number, and town+state.)

  3. If the destination host isn’t you, send the message to the specified

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