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Contributors and Acknowledgments xxix

tory and is an expert on teaching good manners to computers. He insti-
gated this book in 1992 with a call to arms on the UNIX-HATERS mailing
list. He’s currently working on Apple’s Dylan development environment.

John Klossner, a Cambridge-based cartoonist whose work can be found
littering the greater northeastern United States. In his spare time, John
enjoys public transportation.

Donald Norman, an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, Inc. and a Profes-
sor Emeritus at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of
more than 12 books including The Design of Everyday Things.

Dennis Ritchie, Head of the Computing Techniques Research Department
at AT&T Bell Laboratories. He and Ken Thompson are considered by
many to be the fathers of Unix. In the interest of fairness, we asked Dennis
to write our Anti-Foreword.

Scott Burson, the author of Zeta C, the first C compiler for the Lisp
Machine. These days he makes his living hacking C++ as a consultant in
Silicon Valley. Scott wrote most of the chapter on C++.

Don Hopkins, a seasoned user interface designer and graphics program-
mer. Don received a BSCS degree from the University of Maryland while
working as a researcher at the Human Computer Interaction Lab. Don has
worked at UniPress Software, Sun Microsystems, the Turing Institute, and
Carnegie Mellon University. He ported SimCity to NeWS and X11 for
DUX Software. He now works for Kaleida. Don wrote the chapter on the
X-Windows Disaster. (To annoy X fanatics, Don specifically asked that we
include the hyphen after the letter “X,” as well as the plural on the word
“Windows,” in his chapter title.)

Mark Lottor, who has actively hated Unix since his first Usenix confer-
ence in 1984. Mark was a systems programmer on TOPS-20 systems for
eight years, then spent a few years of doing Unix system administration.
Frustrated by Unix, he now programs microcontrollers in assembler, where
he doesn’t have to worry about operating systems, shells, compilers, or
window systems^ getting in the way of things. Mark wrote the chapter on
System Administration.

Christopher Maeda, a specialist on operating systems who hopes to have
his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University by the time this book is pub-
lished. Christopher wrote most of the chapter on Programming.

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