(singke) #1
Not File System Specific? (Not Quite) 293

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 90 14:01:05 EST
From: [email protected] (Curtis Fennell)^3
Subject: Re: NFS Problems
To: [email protected]

As most of you know, we have been having problems with NFS
because of a bug in the operating system on the Suns. This bug
makes it appear that NFS mounted files have been trashed, when, in
fact, they are OK. We have taken the recommended steps to correct
this problem, but until Sun gets us a fix, it will reoccur occasionally.

The symptoms of this problem are:

When you go to log in or to access a file, it looks as though the file is
garbage or is a completely different file. It may also affect
your .login file(s) so that when you log in, you see a different prompt
or get an error message to the effect that you have no login files/
directory. This is because the system has loaded an incorrect file
pointer across the net. Your original file probably is still OK, but it
looks bad.

If this happens to you, the first thing to do is to check the file on the
server to see if is OK on the server. You can do this by logging
directly into the server that your files are on and looking at the files.

If you discover that your files are trashed locally, but not on the
server, all you have to do is to log out locally and try again. Things
should be OK after you’ve logged in again. DO NOT try to remove
or erase the trashed files locally. You may accidentally trash the good
files on the server.

REMEMBER, this problem only makes it appear as if your files have
been trashed; it does not actually trash your files.

We should have a fix soon; in the meantime, try the steps I’ve recom-
mended. If these things don’t work or if you have some questions,
feel free to ask me for help anytime.


(^3) Forwarded to UNIX-HATERS by David Chapman.

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