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Typographical Conventions xxxi

Neuhaus, who saw the project through to its completion. Amy Pedersen
was our Imprint Manager.

The UNIX-HATERS cover was illustrated by Ken Copfelt of The Stock
Illustration Source.

Typographical Conventions

In this book, we use this roman font for most of the text and a different sans
serif font for the horror stories from the UNIX-HATERS mailing list.
We’ve tried to put command names, where they appear, in bold, and the
names of Unix system functions in italics. There’s also a courier font
used for computer output, and we make it bold for information typed by
the user.

That’s it. This isn’t an unreadable and obscure computer manual with ten
different fonts in five different styles. We hate computer manuals that look
like they were unearthed with the rest of King Tut’s sacred artifacts.

This book was typeset without the aid of troff, eqn, pic, tbl, yuc, ick, or
any other idiotic Unix acronym. In fact, it was typeset using FrameMaker
on a Macintosh, a Windows box, and a NeXTstation.

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