(singke) #1

Gildea, Stephen 155
Giles, Jim 161
Gilmore, John 100
Glew, Andy 267
Glover, Don 223
[email protected] 298
GNU xxvi
GNU manual 117 153
Goossens, Kees 28
Gosling, James 113, 128
Grant, Michael 162
Great Renaming, the 100
grep 149, 151, 175, 178
Gretzinger, Michael R. 246, 247
[email protected] 233

Hari Krishnas 162
Harrenstien, Ken 168
Heiby, Ron 61
Heiny, Reverend 52
Hello World 215
herpes 6
Hewlett-Packard 6, 10
Visual User Environment 132
hexkey 130
hidden files 254
Hinsdale, John 150
history (shell built-in) 49
history substitution 152
Hitz, Dave xxxi
hoax 307
Hooverism 52
hopeless dream keeper of the intergalactic
space 163
Hopkins, Don xxxi
Hopper, Grace Murray 10
Horswill, Ian D. 236, 291
Howard, Bruce 222
HP-UX 11

I39L 126
[email protected] 236, 291

IBM 10, 11
NFS 284
IBM PC Jr. 138
Ice Cubed 126
ident 34
IDG Programmers Press xxxii
Incompatiable Timesharing System, see ITS
information superhighway 98
InfoWorld 221
Inodes 265
Inspector Clouseau 27
Inter Client Communication Conventions
Manual 126
Internet 63, 88
Internet Engineering Task Force 79
Internet Worm 194, 249, 257
Internetworking with TCP/IP 7
Iran-Contra 135
ITS xxxv, 112, 186, 257, 313

January 18, 2038 193
jlm%[email protected] 194
[email protected] 12
command 39
killing 37
Johnson Space Center 197
Jones, Dave 21
Joplin, Scott 8
Jordan, Michael 7
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 164
Joy, Bill 112
[email protected] 12, 118
[email protected] 164
jsh 149
Jurassic Park 155
[email protected] 135, 168

Kelly, Tommy 32
Kerberos 288
kernel recompiling 225
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