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14 Unix

  1. It’s documented.

  2. It’s written in a high-level language.

  3. X and Motif make Unix as user-friendly and simple as the

  4. Processes are cheap.

  5. It invented:

    • the hierarchical file system

    • electronic mail

    • networking and the Internet protocols

    • remote file access

    • security/passwords/file protection

    • finger

    • uniform treatment of I/O devices.

  6. It has a productive programming environment.

  7. It’s a modern operating system.

  8. It’s what people are asking for.

  9. The source code:

    • is available

    • is understandable

    • you buy from your manufacturer actually matches what
      you are running.

You’ll find most of these myths discussed and debunked in the pages that
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