(singke) #1

48 Documentation?

michael: ls lock*
No match.
michael: cd standard
michael: ls lock*

Oh, goody. It’s compress(1)ed. Why is it compressed, and not stored
as plain text? Did SGI think that the space they would save by com-
pressing the man pages would make up for the enormous RISC bina-
ries that they have lying around? Anyhow, might as well read it while
I’m here.

michael: zcat lockf
lockf.Z: No such file or directory
michael: zcat lockf.z
lockf.z.Z: No such file or directory

Sigh. I forget exactly how inflexible zcat is.

michael: cp lockf.z ~/lockf.Z; cd ; zcat lockf
| more
lockf.Z: not in compressed format

It’s not compress(1)ed? Growl. The least they could do is make it
easily people-readable. So I edit my .cshrc to add /usr/catman to
already-huge MANPATH and try again:

michael: source .cshrc
michael: man lockf

And, sure enough, it’s there, and non-portable as the rest of Unix.

No Manual Entry for “Well Thought-Out”
The Unix approach to on-line documentation works fine if you are inter-
ested in documenting a few hundred programs and commands that you, for
the most part, can keep in your head anyway. It starts to break down as the
number of entries in the system approaches a thousand; add more entries,
written by hundreds of authors spread over the continent, and the swelling,
itching brain shakes with spasms and strange convulsions.
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 3:20:13 EST
From: Rob Austein <[email protected]>
Subject: Don’t call your program “local” if you intend to document it
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