(singke) #1
This Is Internal Documentation? 51

Is this documented somewhere or do I have to buy a source license
and learn to read C?

“man fg” gets me the CSH_BUILTINS man page[s], and I’ve never
been able to find anything useful in there. If I search this man page
for “job” it doesn’t tell me this anywhere. It does, however, tell me
that if I type “% job &” that I can take a job out of the background
and put it back in the background again. I know that this is function-
ality that I will use far more often than I will want to refer to a job by

This Is Internal Documentation? .................................................

Some of the larger Unix utilities provide their own on-line documentation
as well. For many programs, the “on-line” docs are in the form of a cryptic
one-line “usage” statement. Here is the “usage” line for awk:

% awk
awk: Usage: awk [-f source | 'cmds'] [files]

Informative, huh? More complicated programs have more in-depth on-line
docs. Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on the documentation matching
the program you are running.

Date: 3 Jan 89 16:26:25 EST (Tuesday)
From: Reverend Heiny <[email protected]>
Subject: A conspiracy uncovered

After several hours of dedicated research, I have reached an impor-
tant conclusion.

Unix sucks.

Now, this may come as a surprise to some of you, but it’s true. This
research has been validated by independent researchers around the

More importantly, this is no two-bit suckiness we are talking here.
This is major league. Sucks with a capital S. Big time Hooverism. I
mean, take the following for example:

toolsun% mail
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