52 Documentation?
Mail version SMI 4.0 Sat Apr 9 01:54:23 PDT 1988 Type? for help.
"/usr/spool/mail/chris": 3 messages 3 new
>N 1 chris Thu Dec 22 15:49 19/643 editor saved “trash1”
N 2 root Tue Jan 3 10:35 19/636 editor saved “trash1”
N 3 chris Tue Jan 3 14:40 19/656 editor saved “/tmp/ma8”
Unknown command: "?"
What production environment, especially one that is old enough to
drive, vote, and drink 3.2 beers, should reject the very commands
that it tells you to enter?
Why does the user guide bear no relationship to reality?
Why do the commands have cryptic names that have no bearing on
their function?
We don’t know what Heiny’s problem was; like a few others we’ve men-
tioned in this chapter, his bug seems to be fixed now. Or perhaps it just
moved to a different application.
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 1992 7:47PM
From: Mark Lottor <[email protected]>
Subject: no comments needed
fs2# add_client
usage: add_client [options] clients
add_client -i|-p [options] [clients]
-i interactive mode - invoke full-screen mode
[other options deleted for clarity]
fs2# add_client -i
Interactive mode uses no command line arguments
How to Get Real Documentation
Actually, the best form of Unix documentation is frequently running the
strings command over a program’s object code. Using strings, you can get
a complete list of the program’s hard-coded file name, environment vari-
ables, undocumented options, obscure error messages, and so forth. For
example, if you want to find out where the cpp program searches for
#include files, you are much better off using strings than man:
next% man cpp
No manual entry for cpp.
next% strings /lib/cpp | grep /