56 Documentation?
Unix Without Words: A Course Proposal ...................................
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 92 12:58:28 PST
From: [email protected] (C J Silverio)
Organization: SGI TechPubs
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre^1
Subject: Unix Without Words
[During one particularly vitriolic flame war about the uselessness of
documentation, I wrote the following proposal. I never posted it,
because I am a coward... I finally post it here, for your edification.]
Unix Ohne Worter
Well! I’ve been completely convinced by the arguments presented
here on the uselessness of documentation. In fact, I’ve become con-
vinced that documentation is a drug, and that my dependence on it is
artificial. I can overcome my addiction, with professional help.
And what’s more, I feel morally obliged to cease peddling this
useless drug for a living. I’ve decided to go back to math grad school
to reeducate myself, and get out of this parasitic profession.
Perhaps it just reveals the depth of my addiction to documentation,
but I do see the need for SGI to ship one document with our next
release. I see this book as transitional only. We can eliminate it for
the following release.
Here’s my proposal:
TITLE: “Unix Without Words”
AUDIENCE: The Unix novice.
OVERVIEW: Gives a general strategy for approaching Unix without
documentation. Presents generalizable principles useful for
deciphering any operating system without the crutch of
(^1) Forwarded to UNIX-HATERS by Judy Anderson.