Kerrang! - 20.07.2019

(Frankie) #1




Enzo Iriarte


e’ve been treated to some
incredible tours so far this
year, but the bar has already
been set unbelievably high
for 2020. With an absolutely blistering
start to next year, While She Sleeps have
just announced that they will be joining
forces with Buffalo heroes Every Time
I Die and Boston mob Vein to take on
London’s fabled O2 Academy Brixton and
Manchester Academy on January 24 and
26, with the goal of causing utter chaos
from the front to the back of the venues.
The biggest headline dates of the
Sheffield crew’s career, the band are intent
on putting on shows that are remembered
for a long time to come – and a killer line-
up is just the beginning. With frontman Loz
Taylor sitting out of things right now for
personal reasons, we caught up with While
She Sleeps guitarist Mat Welsh and Every
Time I Die vocalist Keith Buckley to find
out more. Spoiler: both of them are just as
excited about these gigs as we all are...

Kicking off 2020 with these two shows is
quite the way to start the year, eh?
Mat Welsh (While She Sleeps, guitar): “It’s
a mad way to start the year! We’re still trying
to get our heads around it. When you’ve
grown up listening to a band like Every Time
I Die and then you get to the point where
you can take them out to support you, it
always feels upside-down. I can’t really
acknowledge they’re going to play before
us, because in my head they’re like older
brothers, or the year above us at school!
I look up to them thinking, ‘Yeah, you guys
have got your shit together!’ (Laughs) But
the idea that we can put that kind of package
together makes me so happy.”
Keith Buckley (Every Time I Die, vocals):
“It’s a really, really good way to start the year
and something we’ve never actually done
before. Normally, right after the winter show
we do in Buffalo, we stay at home and do
some writing, but it’s going to be exciting

to get out and hit the road. Manchester and
London are some of the best places we ever
play – some of the most memorable shows
we’ve ever had are in those cities.”

Does playing on bills with other bands
who have great live reputations also up
the ante?
Mat: “I think it does. It’s all good having
bands with great records and having shows
that are a great audio experience, but when
bands really turn it up live it adds a whole
new dynamic. Plus, how can you stand
onstage and expect a crowd to go wild and
jump all over the place and lose their minds
if you’re not? It’s a collective feeling and
energy, and it’s all about everyone being in
that mode.”
Keith: “It keeps us
on our toes because
we’re definitely elder
statesmen and have
been doing this for
a long time, and
individually we’re
getting a little older
and a little creakier.
But playing with
other bands that put
on such a good live
show helps keep us
young. You’ve got
to bring it, because
you don’t want to get
blown out of the water. It’s a fun sort
of competition to see who can go harder.
While She Sleeps have a great live show;
I caught them at Unify festival in Australia
and it kind of reminds me of us a little bit
with some of the energy they have. The
way they interact with the crowd makes
it an all-inclusive experience. Everybody
watching is a part of it.”

Often when you ask bands what band
they really would not want to have to
follow, the answer is Every Time I Die.

Is it at all intimidating knowing you’re
going to have to play after them?
Mat: “Yeah, but I think that’s the best
challenge and the sort of situation you
should put yourself in. If anything’s going
to make me play better or play harder it’s
playing with bands who play that much
harder themselves. We experienced that
earlier this year when we had Stray From
The Path out with us. They’re an incredible
live band: you watch them every night
and they’re so tight and full of energy. It’s
the best thing to get you revved up to
go onstage. We’re not backstage calmly
ignoring the situation around us. We’ll be
at the side of the stage watching Every
Time I Die and getting pumped up.”

Keith, does knowing
that the headliners
will be feeding off
your energy get you
pumped, too?
Keith: “Absolutely. When a
tour package is put together
properly, as the night goes
on each band is inspiring
the band that goes on after
them. It’s a domino effect of
pure, unadulterated energy,
so by the time the headliner
gets onstage everyone in
the place is caught up in
that. The kids aren’t tired
out, even though they’ve been bringing
it all night, and it’s something that’s just
built and built, both on and off the stage.
Everyone’s going to do their part, and if
you’re lucky enough to be in the crowd at
one of these shows it’s definitely going to be
an extraordinary evening.”

These shows will also be opened by Vein.
Are you both fans?
Mat: “Definitely. What they’re doing is really
interesting, and I admire people who try to
push things in a different direction. When a






What’s better than the two

biggest headline dates of


The Sheffield titans bringing the

mighty EVERY TIME I DIE and

VEIN along for the ride, too.

Brace yourselves, people...



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