Country Gardens – July 2019

(Nandana) #1



That’s Bill Elliott’s short answer for how he and his
wife, Eileen, find themselves surrounded with a spread
of bountiful food and beautiful plantings. And when
you consider that their 2 acres of gardens set within
25 acres of densely wooded land were once too poor
to sustain anything but sheep, it’s clear only smart
choices and absolute dedication could accomplish the
transformation. When the Elliotts acquired the land

in 1979, it not only was seemingly worthless, but it
also was 2 miles from electricity and a mile from the
nearest neighbor. Bill and Eileen had little money and
were raising two teenage boys. Still, inspired by the
revived back-to-the-land movement, they wanted to
make homesteading happen. “We were going to create
paradise,” Eileen says of the couple’s broccoli-or-bust
attitude. They built a house, cleared land, amended

“You see, we’re both really passionate people.”


“Bill is the record-keeper, making sure that beans are planted where a root crop
grew last year, for example,” Eileen says.
Bill keeps a meticulous journal with lists chronicling exactly what was grown
where in the previous season to avoid disease issues that might occur when plants in
the same family grow in the same spot year after year. Before planting, he creates a
plan for the current year.

Following 15 years
of hard labor in their
vegetable garden,
the Elliotts rewarded
themselves with an
ornamental herb
garden. Laid out with
an armillary sundial
at its center, the
formal garden houses
the first French sorrel
sprigs of spring as
well as a host of
flavorful plants.
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