CHAPTER 4: Turning On the Lights (^121)
Figure 4-16. Three lights, one main and two fill. The left-hand image has a low-resolution sphere, whereas the
one on the right is high-resolution.
In the previous examples, a number of new API calls were covered, which are
s u m m a r i z e d i n T a b l e 4 - 2. G e t t o k n o w t h e m -----they are your friends, and you’ll be using
them a lot.
Table 4-2. New API Calls Covered
Name Purpose
glGetLight Retrieves any of the parameters from a specific light
glLight* Sets the parameters for the lights
glLightModel (^) Specifies the light model, either GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT
glMaterialfv (^) Defines the attributes for the current material