340 CHAPTER 10: OpenGL ES 2, Shaders, and...^
Throughout this book, you’ve learned basic 3D theory, both in the math involved and in
the overall principles. I’d like to think it’s given you a basic understanding of the topic,
even knowing that the book could be many times larger, considering that we’ve barely
touched 3D graphics.
The Khronos Group, the keepers of all things officially OpenGL, has published several
extensive books on the subject. Affectionately known by the color of their covers,
there’s the Red Book (the official programming guide), the Blue Book, (tutorials and
reference), the Orange Book (shading language), the Green Book (Open GL on the Mac),
and the Sort-of-Purplish Book (OpenGL ES 2). There are also numerous other third-party
books that get much deeper than I’ve been able to go. Likewise, there are many web
sites dedicated to OpenGL tutorials; nehe.gamedev.net is by far one of the best with
nearly 50 different tutorials as of this writing.
And as you’re going over the work of other authors, be it from other books or on the
web, just remember that this book is the one that gave you the sun, the earth, and the
stars. Not many others can claim that.