Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

(singke) #1

342 ■ Index

overview, 202–207
sun buffer objects, 208–210
bumps, mapping with, 191–200

CADisplayLink, 287
Call Tree, 306
Carpenter, Loren, 10
Cartesian coordinates, 52
Catmull, Ed, 6–7
CGPoint m_PointerLocation, 251
Clark, Jim, 7
clipping, regions, 73–75
clouds, over earth at night, 329
CMYK mode, 93–94
components in lighting, 94–95
factors in, 118–119
formats, 297–298
and light, 91–94
color. glLightfv( ) method, 98
colorIncrement, 81
COM interface, 12
computer graphics
analysis of OpenGL program, 14–29
shaders, 27–29
showing scene in display, 22–26
tweaking values, 26
development of, 4–11
in Hollywood, 8–11
MIT, 5–6
University of Utah, 6–7
history of, 3–4
OpenGL architecture, 29–31
opening OpenGL ES project, 2–3
toolkits, 11–14
Direct3D, 11–12
OGRE, 13
OpenGL, 11
OpenSceneGraph, 13
others, 13–14
QuickDraw 3D, 12–13
Unity3D, 13
Controller file, 67
coordinate transformation, 34
eye coordinates, 54
OpenGL coordinates, 51–53

CoreGraphics, 281
creating lights, 95–104
Crow, Frank, 10
cube map, 334–339
cubeColors, 61, 65–66
cubeVertices array, 61, 63, 65–66

depth sorting, 129–130
Detailed pane, for OpenGL analyzer, 305–306
development of computer graphics, 4–11
in Hollywood, 8–11
at MIT, 5–6
at University of Utah, 6–7
diffuse reflectance, 115
Direct3D, 11–12
Retina, 245–246
showing scenes in, 22–26
drawFrame method, 48
drawInRect( ) method, 58, 69, 85, 147, 179, 186,
210, 222, 320, 337
drawLight( ) method, 232–234, 240
drawShadow( ) method, 232, 238, 240–241

EAGLView, 20
earth, at night
clouds, 329
overview, 318
specular reflections, 325–328
effects, lens flare, 259–270
emissive materials, 110–111
execute( ) file, 102, 126
execute method, 83, 85, 88, 122, 124, 128
execute( ) method, 164, 197, 208, 247, 259, 266,
270, 273, 276, 293
executePlanet( ) method, 127, 197–198, 266–
268, 270
executePlanets( ) method, 126
executeVBO( ) method, 292
Extended Detail pane, for OpenGL analyzer, 305
eye coordinates, 54

face culling, of 3D objects, 76–77
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