Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

(singke) #1

346 ■ Index

Lambert lighting model, 115
lens flares, 210–218, 259–270
LensFlare object, 214, 216, 263
light parameters, 114–115
and color, 91–94
color components in, 94–95
creating and positioning lights, 95–104
math behind shading, 115–116
with other materials, 105–115
ambient lighting, 109–110
attenuation, 112–113
emissive materials, 110–111
light parameters, 114–115
shading models, 110
specular lighting, 107–108
spotlights, 113–114
secondary lights, 119–122
in solar-system model, 122
specular reflections, 116–119
attenuation, 118
benefits of understanding, 119
factors in color and intensity, 118–119
Line Graph in the Track Display section, 303
loadShaders( ) method, 313–314, 317, 319–320,
loadTexture( ) method, 143–144, 146, 159, 163,
182, 197, 259–260
lookAtTarget( ) method, 250, 252–253, 257

magnification, 143, 155
main( ) method, 309, 316–317, 321–323, 326,
328, 331
with bumps, 191–200
shadow, 227
materials, and lighting, 105–115
ambient lighting, 109–110
attenuation, 112–113
emissive materials, 110–111
light parameters, 114–115
shading models, 110
specular lighting, 107–108
spotlights, 113–114
math behind shading, 115–116
math coordinates, 51–52

math for transformations, 33–49
2D transformations, 34–38
rotations, 34–37
scaling, 37–38
translations, 34
3D transformations, 38–49
GLKit, 49
inverse transformations, 47–48
projecting object onto screen, 43–47
quaternions, 49
max( ) method, 317
maxSize, 144
m_Eyeposition type, 246, 254, 258, 267–268
m_FieldOfView, 251–252, 268
minification, 143, 156
miniGLU, 254, 258, 264, 270, 273
Minnaert model, 110
mipmaps, 152–155, 297
MIT, computer graphics development at, 5–6
modelMatrix, 264–265
modelview, 24, 54–55, 58, 66, 68
modelViewMatrix, 41, 48, 238–239, 337–338
modelViewProjectionMatrix, 315–316, 321–322,
326–327, 331
motion, 3D, 249–259
m_Pos variable, 256
MSAA (multisampled anti-aliasing), 285
m_Scale variable, 78, 80, 82, 270
m_Squash, 78, 80, 82
m_Texture0, 181–182, 187, 194
multicolor blending, 178–179
multisampled anti-aliasing (MSAA), 285
multiTexture, 187
multiTextureBumpMap( ) method, 194
MultiTextureBumpMap( ) method, 194
multiTextureBumpMap( ) method, 197–198
multitexturing, 180, 184–200
multTexture( ) method, 196

NewTek, 9
nonstenciled pixels, 228
normalized vectors, 99
normalMatrix, 315–317, 321, 326–327, 331
nPtrs value, 102
NSData object, 282

Objective-C object, 84
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