■ Index 347
OGRE, 13
analysis of, 14–29
shaders, 27–29
showing scene in display, 22–26
tweaking values, 26
analyzer, 299–306
context-sensitive settings, 305
Detailed pane, 305–306
Extended Detail pane, 305
instrument inspector, 302–304
Record/stop button, 302
Target Selector pane, 304
Track Display pane, 304
architecture, 29–31
coordinates, 51–53
extensions, and PVRTC, 157–159
and textures, 137–141
Game template, 3
general discussion, 11
lights, 94
opening projects, 2–3
OpenGLCreateTexture.mm file, 260
OpenGLCreateTexture:renderTextureInRect( )
method, 269
OpenGLOutlines, 272, 282
OpenGLSolarSystemController, 84–85, 122–123
OpenGLSolarSystem.h file, 97, 122
OpenGLSolarSystemViewController, 129
opening OpenGL ES project, 2–3
OpenSceneGraph, 13
Oren-Nayer, 110
orthogonal, 99
orthographic projection, 44, 55
outlines.plist file, 278
painter's algorithm, 130
parallel projection, 44
parameters, light, 114–115
pattern-matrix, 36
percentVisible, 267–268, 270
performance, 289–306
OpenGL analyzer, 299–306
context-sensitive settings, 305
Detailed pane, 305–306
Extended Detail pane, 305
instrument inspector, 302–304
Record/stop button, 302
Target Selector pane, 304
Track Display pane, 304
VBOs, 289–299
batching, 295–296
color formats, 297–298
interleaved data, 295
mipmaps, 297
sprite sheets, 296–297
textures, 296–297
tips on, 298–299
Performance Detective, 294–295, 299, 305
perspective projection, 44–45, 55
phiIdx, 79, 82
Phong shading, 110
physiological optics, 93
pipelines, shaded, 308, 318
restrictions on shaders, 310, 318
shader structure, 309–310
two cubes example, 308–309
Planet object, 78, 83–84, 88
Planet.h file, 163
Planet.m file, 96, 99, 102, 127–128
point sampling, 156
pos vector, 112
positioning lights, 95–104
POT (power-of-two), 143–144, 147, 158
PowerVR graphics, 158
PowerVR Texture Compression (PVRTC), 157–
159, 297
prepareToDraw( ) method, 338
primitive, 63
projecting object onto screen, 43–47
projection shadows, 229–243
PVRTC (PowerVR Texture Compression), 157–
159, 297
PVRTexTool, 158–159
quaternions, 49, 248–249
QuickDraw 3D, 12–13
rasterization, 30
Record/stop button, for OpenGL analyzer, 302
red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA), 142
red-green-blue (RGB), 93
reflect( ) method, 327