78 CHAPTER 3: Building a 3D World^
The first thing to do is create a new project derived from the bouncy square example.
But instead of building up all the geometry in drawInRect(), you can create a new object
called Planet and initialize the data, as in Listing 3-6a for the header and Listing 3-6b for
the init method.
Listing 3-6a. Building our 3D Planet
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
@interface Planet : NSObject
GLfloat *m_VertexData;
GLubyte *m_ColorData;
GLint m_Stacks, m_Slices;
GLfloat m_Scale;
GLfloat m_Squash;
- (bool)execute;
- (id) init:(GLint)stacks slices:(GLint)slices radius:(GLfloat)radius squash:(GLfloat)
Listing 3-6b. 3D Sphere generator
- (id) init:(GLint)stacks slices:(GLint)slices radius:(GLfloat)radius squash:(GLfloat)
unsigned int colorIncrment=0; //1
unsigned int blue=0;
unsigned int red=255;
colorIncrment=255/stacks; //2
if ((self = [super init]))
m_Stacks = stacks;
m_Slices = slices;
m_VertexData = nil;