Texas Monthly – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

See Me as a Gardener

Name: Rebekah • Age: 34 • Rancher Since: September 2005 • Favorite Hobby: Doing 5k runs

Rebekah has been a Gardener for as long as she can remember. Helping her mom tend to the
tomato plants or helping her dad pluck blackberries in their front yard are two of Rebekah’s fondest
When asked what her favorite part about gardening is, she replied “Watching the plants grow and
feeling proud to know I helped.” If you are interested in gardening, Rebekah says that it is a lot of fun
and to not be afraid to get your hands dirty!

Ranch. This campaign will showcase the unique stories of those we serve and give readers an inside look
into their life at Down Home Ranch.

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