Project Calm – July 2019

(Nandana) #1
Nothing could be further from the truth –
we are creativity in and of itself! Creativity
is literally the primal force driving
everything in this universe. Yet over-
consuming dulls our creative spark.

What you can do instead
1. Curate a retreat day of activities
and outings for a loved one and enjoy
it together.
2. Observe your surroundings and note
how creative life is.
3. Challenge yourself to take a hiatus from
consuming (such as a social media fast).
You’ll be amazed by how many ideas you
start to have!

We feel that we don’t
have ideas and that
we’re not creative.

We resist discomfort and pain so much
that we go through life ignoring major
issues, and pretending nothing hurts by
distracting ourselves with f leeting moments
of consumption.

What you can do instead
1. Consider therapy or consulting an
alternative healing practitioner.
2. Journal about your painful feelings or
create an art journal.
3. Start a creative practice with a friend or
group of friends.

Consuming is the easiest
way to temporarily numb
deep wounds.

We get trapped in a dopamine loop of
searching, getting, and desiring again.
Whether it’s shopping or social media likes, we
always want more. This is also why watching
Netf lix beats the discomfort of working on
a creative project.

What you can do instead
1. Designate creative alternatives for when you
catch yourself in the loop. Call a friend instead
of going shopping. Ground yourself before
checking your phone.
2. Turn off your phone notifications
and unsubscribe from shopping emails
and catalogues.
3. Find a new hobby.

We are coded to look for
pleasure and instant

People consume to elevate their self-
worth, thinking that in order to be
worthy they need to add more value to
themselves. However, a person’s value
lies in simply being a human being.

What you can do instead
1. Start doing affirmations.
2. Help others.
3. Write a list of 30 ways you are
proud of yourself.

People lose sight of
their own value.


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