Project Calm – July 2019

(Nandana) #1

Our ego goes overboard to protect us from the
‘danger’ of taking risks. And to our ego’s eyes, a
creative endeavor is very risky.

What you can do instead
1. Create art for yourself only! Deliberately
make secret art that no one will ever see.
2. Pretend you are five years old and make
something really wacky. Kids don’t call it
taking risks – they call it playing.
3. Use meditation as a tool to manage
the resistance that comes up during the
creative process.

Creating is risky.

Some people resist solitude, contemplation,
mindfulness... They think it’s boring or they
are uncomfortable doing nothing, facing their
thoughts and fears. But the more distracted
people are, the harder it is to listen to their
creative intuition.

What you can do instead
1. Try stream of consciousness writing in
your journal.
2. Meditate.
3. Practise mindful eating.
4. Communicate with your intuition as if it
were a person. Let it know you are available
and open.
5. Say no to commitments that don’t truly align
with your values.

People are fearful
of silence.

Consuming more than creating can make us
lose touch with our real selves, feel unwell,
make us prisoners of other peoples’ opinions,
have addictive behaviours, struggle with
indecisiveness, feel disconnected from our
higher purpose, and become inauthentic.
The creative force is the glue that holds a
meaningful life together, allowing us to connect
with our intuition, which in turn guides us
to a higher version of ourselves through our
soul’s expansion. The idea is not to eliminate
consuming entirely, but to consistently check
its ratio against our creative pursuits, so that we
are creating more than consuming, given that
we now know the serious consequences to our
wellbeing when it’s thrown out of balance.

We need to manage our lives well so that we
have the capacity to process creative ideas and
bring them to fruition.

What you can do instead
1. Keep open spaces in your schedule.
2. Keep your energy and time well managed.
3. Get your finances in order to make space
for creativity.
4. Take care of your relationships.
5. Set aside regular time to dedicate to
a project.
6. Use creative ideas to improve your
relationships with your friends, community,
and family.

People don’t understand
their capacity to be a
channel for creativity.

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