Girls’ Life – July 2019

(Ron) #1

You may be crazy for your crush, but
they don’t know it. Whether you bug
out whenever bae gets near you or
they are just completely clueless,
you have to step it up if you want to
capture this cutie’s attention. Shuck
your shyness and try talking to
them—or at least try not to run away
the sec they get fewer than 50 feet
from you. And if they don’t take the
bait? Cast your line elsewhere. As
Mom always says, there are plenty
more fish in the sea.

This sweetie’s got you on their mind—
some of the time. Sounds like they
are at least a bit interested, so keep
this person in your orbit. While you’re
doing a pretty good job of getting
their attention, why not bump it up a
little? Take control by sending them
some strong signals: Smile. Flirt. Go
beyond a quick “hello” in the hallway
and strike up an actual conversation
with them when you get a chance. Do
what you can to land in their direct
line of vision—and stay there.

This is *so* on. They are noticing you,
all right, and if there was a “like” but-
ton over your head to press, they’d
have done it. You’re flirty friends at
the cusp of coupledom—all it takes is
a solidifying step from one of you to
turn this into the real deal. Feeling
bold? Go ahead and make the next
move. Call them, ask them to the
movies or see if they want to grab a
burger. They’ll appreciate your
efforts...and you just may find your-
self a brand new bae.




  1. Yay! Alex made eye contact
    with you in the hall. Here’s the
    A. Alex smiled, said “hi” and
    kept the eye contact until
    you strolled by.
    B. Alex waved at you, then
    continued walking to gym.
    C. After your eyes locked, Alex
    kept chatting with their
    crew about picks for fantasy
    football this year.

  2. Makeover time! You just
    chopped six inches off your
    locks and got highlights, too.
    When you bump into bae the
    next day, they say...
    A. “You’re in my first-period
    biology class, right?”
    B. “Wow, you look amazing!”
    C. “Hey, something looks dif-
    ferent. Is that a new jacket?”

  3. You’re working up the guts
    to ask your crush to homecom-
    ing. Realistically, what are the
    chances they’ll say yes?
    A. 100 percent. They’ve been
    flirting with you since the first
    day of school.
    B. 50/50. Some days they
    seem super into you...other
    days, you’re not so sure.
    C. You have no clue. You’ve
    only had a couple of convos
    with them, but you never know
    until you try, right?
    4. You’re shopping for new
    lacrosse gear when you spot a
    solo Sam sipping a latte. Your
    next move?
    A. Admire them from afar, but
    ultimately press on. You’ve
    got a stick to score.
    B. You stand in their view until
    they see you, then walk over
    for a quick chat.
    C. Ask flat-out if they prefer
    STX over Warrior, too.
    5. Your bestie thought it
    would be a great idea to play
    truth or dare around the bon-
    fire...with your crush right
    there. When she dares you to
    say who you like, you...
    A. Panic, but take a chance.
    “It’s someone on this
    beach!” They'll get the hint.
    B. Smile, say a silent thanks to
    your bud and blurt out the
    name. It’s about time you
    know how they feel.
    C. Randomly ask, "Who wants
    s’mores?!" You’re way too
    nervous to even talk to your
    crush, no less confess.
    6. OK, be honest here: How
    would your BFF best describe
    the relationship you currently
    have with your crush?
    A. Best mates. You’re always
    chatting about movies,
    school and your mutual love

of Alec Benjamin. Some kids
already think you’re dating.
B. Hall mates. You share some
classes and exchange hellos
at least three times a day.
C. Soul mates. You’re perfect
for each other—they, um,
just don't know it yet.

  1. You miss a week of school
    thanks to the season’s first flu.
    What’s your crush’s reaction to
    your absence?
    A. They stop by your house
    with your homework and some
    chicken soup.
    B. Absolutely nada. But you
    heard they’ve been really busy,
    so maybe that’s why they
    haven’t reached out.
    C. They shoot you a “feel
    better!” text.

  2. It’s lunchtime and your
    stomach does a flip-flop
    when you spot Dylan heading
    toward your table in the caf.
    What are they up to?
    A. Probably checking on that
    algebra homework you
    promised to help them with
    earlier in the week.
    B. You don’t wait to find out.
    You’re so worried about
    them catching a whiff of
    your tuna-salad-on-wheat
    breath that you quickly
    duck out the back exit.

C. They're coming to sit with
you. Actually, they usually
find some excuse to come
by every day.

  1. You’re stuck babysitting
    your sibs on a Saturday night
    and see on Snapchat that bae
    is doing the same. You shoot
    them a message to commiser-
    ate over your mutually lame
    weekend. The reply?
    A. “Who’s this?”
    B. “Not much. Can't talk RN.”
    C. “So bored! At least a game
    is on. Who are you rooting
    for tonight?”

  2. You and Ryan both get off
    at the last stop on the school
    bus route. When it’s just the
    two of you left, they...
    A. Slide across to the seat
    next to you and start
    chatting you up.
    B. Turn around from their spot
    up front and ask you what
    you think will be on next
    week’s English exam.
    C. Keep their earbuds in and
    bob their head to their

  3. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1

  4. A. 1 B. 3 C. 2

  5. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1

  6. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

  7. A. 2 B. 3 C. 1

  8. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1

  9. A. 3 B. 1 C. 2

  10. A. 2 B. 1 C. 3

  11. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

  12. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1

10-16 POINTS 17-23 POINTS 24-30 POINTS
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