Petersen’s Bowhunting – September 2019

(Wang) #1
What separated us from the herd
was a large patch of tall weeds and
brush that stretched for a couple
hundred yards. Soon, a few cows
broke away from the herd and start-
ed to work toward us into the patch
of overgrowth (the same direction
we had watched them go the day
before). Not long after, the herd bull
began to follow his cows. “Here he
comes!” my dad whispered.
We were on the edge of the patch,
and now that the herd was closer,
all we could see were the tips of
the bull’s tines moving through
the weeds. The bull began to angle
to our right; he was going to either
catch our wind or walk by us at too
far of a range if he kept going in
that direction, so we had to make
a move. We quickly got to our feet
and used the edge of the weeds as
cover, trying to get into position for
a shot at the bull as he stepped out
of the overgrowth.
When we stood, though, we no-
ticed that a cow had sneaked in close
to us. Since we couldn’t see through
the weeds, we were unable to move
without being busted.


This buck was almost in
the author’s lap before
he had a shot at it, but
a cool head and a
smooth draw led to
the second of Welch’s
Super Tag trophies.
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