
(Grace) #1

60 September Scorchers
BY JOE WEIMER Get dialed in for early
blue-wing teal with all the tactics you
need for summer duck season.

72 Goose Gluttons

BY JOE GENZEL Big honkers are frustrating.
They love sititng on ice (all day), hate
other birds, but spark their curiosity
and you can kill'em. Here's how.

86 Spotlight: Carson Wentz
BY SKIP KNOWLES The Eagles' franchise
QB brought more than just a big arm to
Philadelphia—he brought a passion for
'fowl...on his off days, of course.


92 Big Muddy Divers
BY KENNETH L. KIESER No Neophytes: The
iconic Mississippi River is icy, treacherous and
filled with late-season canvasbacks, scaup and
goldeneye, but you need to be experienced.

“I knew they were giants

because they had big,

missing a wingbeat."

-Scott Threinen, P. 75
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