
(Grace) #1

From the cover of the flower-
ing smart weed, we watch fog rise
from the water’s surface, the first
migrants of fall zipping across in
the darkness. It happens each sum-
mer. One minute, I’ve given in to
the thought that hunting season
will never arrive, finding hollow
excitement in an evening golf game
or half-hearted fishing trip. And
just when I’ve reached the breaking
point, someone mentions it. It’s usu-
ally not a full- fledged conversation,
but most generally just a passing
comment. For my duck depressed
ears, “won’t be long and teal will
start showing up” is all I need to
hear. It’s just the validation I need to
spend the next few weeks scouting
for blue rockets.
Now that waterfowl season has
officially launched, there’s no going


Identifying habitat teal key on is the
first step in winning the game. These
small ducks feed primarily on seeds,
insects, and invertebrates, making
moist soil units a natural magnet.
Sheet water, ponds with vegetation,
and f looded crops are other great
places to start.

Patterning teal before season is a
little trickier than doing the same
with puddle ducks or geese. There
are several reasons, but most of
them stem from the fact that these
little birds are damned unpredict-
able. Duck hunters usually key in on
weather fronts for migration activity,
but the cold, snow, and wind that

blue angels

62 WILDFOWL Magazine | September 2019 wildfowlmag.com

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