French Property News – August 2019

(Ben Green) #1

106 French Property News August 2019


A handsome manor in southern Dordogne tops Adrian Lithgow’s wishlist

Adrian Lithgow, of A
Eleonor, can imagin
inviting the boys
round to this
‘gentilhommière’ o n
a mansized scale in
Dordogne, on the
market for

It is a great time to b
buyer in the French market
right now and I only wish I were
one myself.
Given the choice I would opt for

hi f astic five-bedroom
h e near Issigeac in
uthern Dordogne,
parts of which date
from the Hundred
Years War.
Don’t tell me it is
too masculine
because this is a
h use that I am
sing for me. I want to
carouse with my mates in the
billiard room after a slap-up
dinner in my dining room with its
18th-century fireplace complete

with Franco Prussian sword. Then
I’d retire for brandies in my sitting
room in the ancient core of the
house. The fireplace is made from
a 13th-century beam that has to
be seen to be believed. And I
would certainly insist the owner
leaves the wolf skin on the wall.
The grounds don’t have room
for a golf course, but I don’t want
to spend all my time on a mower.
Five acres of gardens and
woodlands is enough for me to be
getting along with. And if not golf,
there is a tennis court and a

mosaic heated swimming pool
with lovely views over a forest.
If I need to get back to Britain,
I’m just 15 minutes from Bergerac
airport so leaving on the
lunchtime plane I can have dinner
in London. But my heart would
always be in my medieval
paradise, looking forward to the
moment I arrived back home. 

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