French Property News – August 2019

(Ben Green) #1 August 2019 French Property News 79


Being gazumped on a property purchase is never nice, but it’s

even worse when you believe you already have a contract in

place. David Anderson explains where the law stands on the

issue and what you can do


azumping is rare in France
but there are circumstances
in which it can happen.
Consider the following scenario
and how it could be resolved.
Mr X viewed a flat in Paris and
made a formal written offer in
July, which was accepted through
the estate agent. At the request of
the seller, the offer stipulated that
the sale was ‘perfected by
acceptance’ (i.e. was not subject to
contract). On this basis, it was
agreed between all parties that
there would be no compromis
(contract) and that the parties
would go straight to the acte de
vente (completion). Everyone felt
this was simpler and avoided
spending time on a formal
contract. The terms of the acte de
vente were agreed.
Mr X put his notaire in funds.
The seller and buyer’s notaires
turned up to the scheduled
completion meeting at which the
seller announced that he had
made a “mistake” and could not
sell the flat to Mr X. He offered a
similar flat in the same building.
Mr X was not prepared to
change, and the seller walked out
of the completion meeting. It
turned out that the seller had been
contacted by another buyer who
particularly wanted the flat and

was prepared to pay over the odds
for it.
The problems surrounding offer
and acceptance in property sales
are a source of significant
litigation under French law – and
in central Paris this been
exacerbated by the recent sharp
increase in prices.

Letter of the law
To be valid, any offer must be
precise and firm (according to
Article 1114 of the French Civil
Code). To be an acceptance, the
intention of the recipient of the

offer must be the same as the
intention of the person who makes
the offer. There is acceptance of
the offer if the recipient expresses
his full agreement with the
proposal made to him (article
1118 French Civil Code).
If the acceptance is different
from the terms of the offer, it will
not be a valid acceptance but
rather a counter offer.
An offer letter drawn up by the
estate agent, which is signed by all

parties and is clear as to the
property, the parties and the price,
will operate as a binding contract
under French law. Mr X can force
the seller to complete, as there is
no need for a formal contract to
make the arrangement binding.

What should Mr X do?
Mr X should decide whether he
wishes to treat the agreement as
rescinded and walk away and buy
elsewhere or pursue the purchase.
If he wants to press on, he
should immediately ask his notaire
to call a huissier (a sort of bailiff)

to attend the notaire’s office. The
notaire should make a formal
declaration to the huissier that he
was in funds to complete and that
the seller attended the completion
meeting and attempted to switch
the flats. He should also produce
the estate agent’s signed offer
letter. France is much more
formalistic regarding proof of the
facts, and these written sworn
constats (statements) to the facts
by a huissier are very difficult to

David Anderson is a solicitor-
advocate and chartered tax adviser
at Sykes Anderson Perry Limited
Tel: 020 3794 5959

 The problems surrounding offer and

acceptance in property sales are a source of

significant litigation under French law 


©TarikVision– iStock / Getty Images Plus

overturn later in court.
Mr X should immediately
instruct an avocat to serve notice
on the seller that he is in breach of
contract and give him a short time
to attend a further completion
meeting. The letter should spell
out all the facts. If he fails to do so,
proceedings should be issued in
the court applicable to where the
property is situated with a request
for an expedited hearing date.
The judge will usually order that
the sale is completed and that the
seller must pay an astreinte, or
penalty, of a fixed amount for each
day of delay. The judge would fix
the astreinte, and amounts of €500
per day are normal. The judge can
order that if there is no completion
by a certain date, the judgement
becomes the sale document.
Alternatively, the seller may have
to go back to court for a sale order.
The judgement should be sent
to the publicité foncière (similar to
the UK’s Land Registry) so that the
seller cannot sell to a third party.
If, as in this case, there is a
likelihood the seller will sell to a
third party, an urgent application
should be made to the court for an
injunction. It is sensible to serve
the court orders on the seller’s
notaire as well.
Mr X should also speak to the
estate agent who will normally be
keen to see the sale complete and
receive his commission. The agent
may also be involved in the claim
for his commission.
On costs, Mr X needs to be
aware that the costs awarded
in French courts are usually
much lower than in England.
Unfortunately, he may be awarded
only €2,000 and end up funding
the balance of his costs himself. 

Everything you need to
know before completing a
French property purchase



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