
(Brent) #1
JULY 2019 • 81


not living there permanently, but
in rotation," he predicts. "Then
around 40 years until there's a small
permanent colony, most likely from
the private sector. SpaceX says it will
be less, but most analysts think this
is optimistic. One disaster could set
all of this back by up to a decade."
However, it's also worth noting
that companies like SpaceX have
proved sceptics wrong in the past.

"The demonstration of fully reusable
rockets by both SpaceX and Blue
Origins was a game-changer,"
admits Professor Impey. "This will
dramatically lower the cost to orbit
per kilo and enable a viable business
model of high-end space tourism."
It's a great example of how the
developments which are helping us
make life on Mars a reality are having
a much more immediate impact

Yutu 2 Lunar rover descendant of the
China`s Chang e 4 lunar probe landed on
the surface of the moon on January 3, 2019
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