Lose It! – July 2019

(singke) #1

God, I was so ill! I had stomach
cramps like I was giving birth
to an elephant. My tummy was
swollen. I was ill, ill, ill,’ she says.
‘It’s not worth it.’ Since that day,
she has not touched bread. ‘It
was difficult in the beginning. I
craved a lot of the sweet treats;
puddings and cakes are
my weakness. But after
that you start getting
excited about losing
the next kilo, and it was
wonderful to finally see
“me” in the mirror again.’
Andrea drew up a list of all
her favourite foods and cheats and
adapted the recipes to make them
‘Banting legal’ so she could eat
without the guilt. One of her all-
time favourite dinners before low-
carb was chicken schnitzel with
chips and mushroom sauce. She
now makes the sauce with cream
and melted cheese, and coats
chicken fillets in almond flour
before frying them in coconut oil.
‘When I go to a dinner, a function
or a party, I always arrive with
my own dessert so that I feel like
I have my own special thing. I
don’t think that there were any
sacrifices made, only investments.’
Andrea felt lighter and
healthier in the first four weeks,
and after five to six weeks she
noticed a difference in the way
her clothes were fitting. She
now weighs 94kg, having lost a
major 40kgs! Andrea’s confidence
has been restored and she feels
happier now. Two years ago,
Andrea was also experiencing the
beginning stages of menopause.
‘You get terrible hormonal mood
swings, so you wake up miserable.
Everything irritates you, and I’m
not someone who gets irritated
quickly. I’d often wake up in a
bad mood, but when I started
losing the weight everything

started to function normally again.
The bad moods went away.’
Andrea plans to lose another
15kg and enjoys discovering
new foods and developing her
own recipes. ‘I have friends and
family asking for recipes when we
entertain. I make what I can eat
and everyone loves it,’ she adds.
Her advice for anyone who
wants to go on this journey?
Really investigate and understand
what low-carb eating is all about.
‘It is a way of life, not a diet! It
is definitely not a quick fix. Once
you’ve made the commitment to
yourself, find someone who has
been successful on the Banting
journey, steal their recipes
and ideas and learn from their
mistakes. Your life will never be
the same again.’ ■

1 cup fresh cream
3 tbsp xylitol (or to your own taste)
2 slabs Lindt 85% dark chocolate,
chopped (200g)
1 tbsp cocoa
4 eggs, beaten

  1. Heat cream and xylitol in the
    microwave until warm, but not hot.

  2. Add the chocolate to the cream
    mixture until melted, then add the
    cocoa. Leave to cool.

  3. Add eggs, beat for 1 minute with
    an electric beater until mixture is
    glossy and a thick mousse consistency.

  4. Place into round silicone moulds
    (or a greased muffin pan) and bake at
    150°C for 20 minutes or until cooked.

  5. Remove from oven (it should still
    have a slight wobble). Allow to cool.

COLD: Place it in the fridge for a
soft, fudgy consistency. Slice and
serve with crème fraiche and fresh
WARM: Pop it into the microwave for
a few seconds until warm. It then turns
into a fondant-style cake that I serve
with pouring cream.





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