From the “too soon”
files: DAYS’s Ben advis-
ing Claire to avoid the oatmeal at Bayview. The reason
he was there is far from a joke.... On GH, it was jarring to
see Lulu on an Internet date while Liz and Franco’s wed-
ding celebration was taking place, given that Lulu had
bubbled to the bride about how much she was looking
forward to attending, and because the party was held at
the nightclub she owns (as a gift from Lulu, no less!)....
Y&R’s Chelsea fled town to avoid embezzlement charg-
es. So when she returned, why wasn’t she arrested? ...
Two words, B&B: Where’s Maya?
thumbs up!
GRAND Entrance
ABC’s soapy summer
entry, GRAND HOTEL, is
proving to be addictive. The
show has unrolled multiple
juicy storylines, from myster-
ies in need of solving (What
happened to Sky the night of
the hurricane? Did Beatriz
really perish from natural
causes?) to forbidden love
(between “have” Alicia and
“have-not” Danny), and the
show is packed with colorful
characters like troublemak-
ing Gigi, harried Santiago,
spoiled Carolina, clueless
El Rey and playboy Javi.
The sudser isn’t going for
thought-provoking or
ground-breaking, but that’s
just fine for some summer
fun. With witty scripts,
plenty of twists and the
drop-dead gorgeous Miami
scenery as a backdrop, this
is one HOTEL that we’ll
happily check into all season
thumbs down!
Psyched Out
All four soaps are cur-
rently featuring stories
with characters who could
benefit from therapy.
B&B’s Thomas has gone
to disturbing lengths to cre-
ate a family with Hope and
needs to be held account-
able for his actions. Roping
in his legacy character fam-
ily members — especially
his mother, a psychiatrist!
— would go a long way
in showing us what makes
him tick. Over at DAYS,
it’s too bad that Claire will
be getting help off-screen;
Best Of Show Or
Worse For Wear?
Digest Decides.
Santiago (Demián
Bichir) and Gigi
(Roselyn Sanchez)
Picky Picky
The scenes between DAYS’s
John and Victor, when John
filled him in about Claire, were
just perfect. Drake Hogestyn
(John) and John Aniston
(Victor) don’t share a lot of^
screen time, but we’d love^
to see more.... We recently^
pointed out Y&R’s misstep in^
not addressing Jill’s absence^
at Billy and Victoria’s commit
- ment ceremony. So, kudos to^
the writers for having Jill scold
her son for not including her....
B&B’s Xander and Charlie going
toe-to-toe “detective-ing” was
LOL-worthy.... GH is laying some
intriguing groundwork by having
Harmony, Nelle and Ryan locked
up together at Pentonville.
thumbs up!