her journey of com-
ing to terms with what
she did and examining
why she did it would
have been infinitely
more fascinating.
Instead of GH’s Ava
flitting from psychic
to psychic, how about
she work through her
grief over Kiki with a
qualified professional
(her quickie therapy
with “Kevin” doesn’t
count, since “Kevin”
was actually Ryan!).
Y&R’s Billy is still
grappling with the rip-
ple effects of Delia’s
death. How refreshing
would it be to have
him actually talk to
a professional about
it, instead of talking
to a gravestone? The
roots of these stories
are all based in reality:
It would be great to
see the importance of
keeping up with one’s
own mental health
playing out in tandem
with the tales. w
Can we please call a moratorium on characters using drugs to force someone to
have sex with them — or, in the case of B&B’s Thomas, who drugged Liam to get
him into bed with Steffy, another person? Less than two months after GH show-
cased two foiled rape attempts by Shiloh involving drugged tea, Kim drugged
Drew and prepared to sexually assault him while rambling about how one day, he would
“accept that the baby we’re gonna make tonight” was conceived in love. Though Julian’s arrival
thwarted her, this distasteful episode was ruinous to Kim’s character, turning the human
drama of her struggle to recover from Oscar’s death into something far more tawdry. (Y&R fans
will recall that this same beat played out a few years back with Chloe, who went off the deep
end after daughter Delia died and tried to drug Billy into impregnating her.) The bottom line
is that rape is far too serious an issue, affecting far too many people, for soaps to treat it so
casually, and seemingly only for shock value. It’s a trend that needs to end. —Mara Levinsky
Second Opinion
nWhen Esther found out that her only
daughter, Chloe, was very much alive,
Kate Linder delivered a stirring enact-
ment of her character’s miracle.
Linder played Esther as wary and anx-
ious when Kevin escorted her to a clandestine
spot. Then, from behind, she heard a familiar voice
call her “Mom”. Esther’s body froze, and her eyes flicked from
side to side, too shocked and confused to turn around. As Chloe
offered assurance that it was really her, Linder’s face paled, and
her mouth gaped slightly open, stupefied, torn between want-
ing to believe it and fearing that she was in store for yet more
heartbreak. Slowly, she rotated, and as her eyes drank in the
sight of her beautiful daughter, her purse dropped to the floor.
Esther gingerly reached over with trembling hands and
touched Chloe’s face. Feeling warm flesh, the tears gushed as
she embraced her daughter for dear life, Linder heaving over-
wrought sobs that emphasized her character’s release from the
shackles of grief.
The reunion soured slightly when Chloe insisted that she
must stay in hiding, and that she had to leave right away. Still
reeling from shock, Esther struggled to process this, cycling
from incredulity to determination, forceful as she declared, “I
am not letting you go again!”
Linder’s vulnerable, expressive work provided a clear window
into the depths of Esther’s maternal soul — and made it darn
near impossible not to cry right along with her.
Kate Linder
Performer Of The Week
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