Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Follow Carolyn on Twitter @carolynhinsey




outs poken

instincts have led you here.
Douglas is your child now.
You can be a mother. A
mother! Take this ring. Be
my wife. Say yes.”
Hope looked in the mir-
ror like she was being held
captive by Kathy Bates in
Misery. Blink twice, Hope!
Someone will rescue you!
I hope it’s Liam.
Liam: “I’m not going to let
this happen.”

Brooke: “There’s some-
thing off about Thomas.”
Those two teaming up
give me hope, and I did
enjoy Ridge calling Brooke
“Stephanie” to remind her
they said they’d never inter-
fere in the lives of their kids.
Those kids need interfer-
ence. Hope jumped from
Oliver to Liam to Thomas to
Wyatt to Liam and back to
Thomas without blinking.
She’s on her fourth mar-
riage and can only be alone
when she’s living in Europe.
What’s up with that?

nEvery soap needs bad
guys and jerks, but if no
one calls them on their
crimes, it’s no fun.
nI’m looking at you,
Thomas Forrester. What’s
worse than that B&B dad
coaching his young son
— whose mother just died
— to “propose” to Hope?
Douglas (handing Hope a
ring): “I love you so much.
Will you be my mommy?
Can we be a family?”
Hope (to Thomas): “Did you
have any idea about this?”
No, Hope. The 3-year-
old sneaked out to his
local jeweler in an Uber
at nap time to buy a huge
diamond ring without his
father knowing.
Thomas: “I hope that didn’t
put you on the spot!”
I can’t with this story.
First of all, it’s the only
one they’re telling so if
we don’t like it, too bad.
Second, it makes no sense
to turn this formerly funny,
hunky legacy character into
a humorless psychopath.
Thomas is not funny like
Bill Spencer (who “dated”

a building) or clever like
Sheila Carter (who hood-
winked Eric into marrying
her) or tricky like Amber
Moore (who stole a baby
and passed it off as Rick’s).
Thomas is just evil and
Why aren’t his father
and grandfather (Ridge
and Eric) calling him on
his B.S.? He can’t be get-
ting much work done at

Forrester when he’s slipping
out during the day to kill
people (bye Emma!). And
where’s his mother, Taylor?
The only explanation for
her absence is if she lost her
memory again and is back
living with Prince Omar.
And don’t get me start-
ed on Thomas’s marriage
proposal, which looked
more like a hostage video.
Thomas: “Liam and Steffy
made love. They’re on
their path. I know that you
love Douglas. We can be
a family. Your maternal

Every soap needs bad guys and jerks.


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