Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
the conversation.
Marlena (entering):
“What the hell are
you doing here?”
That’s better.
My favorite, as
always, was Victor
Kiriakis trying to
“help” after John
delivered the bad
John (discussing
if Claire would be
fit to stand trial or
be committed to Bayview):
“Claire set fire to the
Horton cabin. She could
have killed Haley Chen,
Victor: “Who? Never mind.
I could have the Titan jet
gassed up in an hour.”
Ha! Too little, too late.
They all should have been
checking on Claire the
whole time, calling her on
her antics. I’m going to
miss that little psycho.
nGH’s resident psycho,
Shiloh, is getting on my
nerves, and Oscar leav-
ing him shares of ELQ
stock in his will (!) didn’t
help. But now that Robert
and Mac have teamed up
(“The Scorpio brothers
ride again!”), law enforce-
ment has a chance again in
Port Charles. The best was
when Shiloh demanded
Lucas be arrested for chok-
ing him and Mac rounded
the corner. “David Henry
Archer?” he snapped
using Shiloh’s real name.
“You’re under arrest.”
He’s so smug, think-
ing he got proof WiIey

Brooke: “This is all such a
Hopefully it will be over
nI wish Claire’s story on
DAYS wasn’t over. They
finally played her with her
legacy parents (Belle and
Shawn-D) and grandmoth-
ers (Hope and Marlena)
just in time to ship her off
to the loony bin.
Belle: “I sent your psych
evaluation to the court.”
Claire: “An insane asylum
or prison?”
Shawn-D: “I know it seems
Ya think? Where were
you when your daugh-
ter was setting people on
fire? Playing Claire in a
vacuum with Eve (of all
people) made no sense
when most of her family
was right there in Salem.
And spare me Eve’s “con-
cerned” hospital visit when
she practically handed the
girl that lighter every time.
“Taking your life is never
the solution,” counseled
Eve, calling Claire “sweet-
heart” like 97 times during

is his son when we know
the baby is really Michael
and Nelle’s. It will be a
great day when a real DNA
test wipes that smirkoff
Shiloh’s face — and onto
nAnother one that needs
to be knocked down a
peg or 12? Y&R’s Adam.
Stealing Nick’s company
was vile, and hiring Phyllis
to run it was worse. No
wonder no one showed up
to her launch party.
Phyllis: “If I hadn’t invited
people we pissed off it
would have been a more
festive occasion ... I’m on
top of the world, even if I
am there on my own.”
Adam: “Not entirely on
your own. Let’s toast to
the outcasts. Who needs
friends when you can have
Which includes his entire
family. In the battle for Dark
Horse, I need Phyllis to win
because at least she’s funny
(“Tough break,” she snarked
to Adam when Chelsea’s
husband died) and Adam,
like B&B’s Thomas, is
humorless. She’s supposed
to be an expert cyber sleuth,
so let’s hope she’s demol-
ishing Adam’s books, one
line at a time.
Phyllis: “Has it ever
occurred to you — or
anyone else in this town
— that I might be using
Billy: “Hurry up.”
nHey. It’s only my
opinion. w

The Long Game:
Y&R’s Phyllis
(Michelle Stafford)
has an agenda
when it comes
to Adam (Mark




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