Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


During the Ice Princess storyline did you
know how popular and life-changing it
would become?
Stephen S.
A No. I mean, we all acknowledged that we were doing some-
thing crazy and a total departure from what soap opera was
noted for. I probably thought, “This is a little bit of a stretch of
the imagination!” but no one came out and said, “This is stupid.
This is never gonna work.” We all knew that there was some-
thing going on there. This was where Tony [Geary, ex-Luke]
and I sat down with the script — I remember distinctly the
exact time it happened — and we started to mess with it. And
finally he said to me, “Put the script down and let’s just work it.”
And we did and suddenly we had something quite different. We
were both pretty excited about it. We showed Gloria [Monty,
then-executive producer] and she said, “Okay, I need this point
here, and I need this point there, because they track to some-
thing happening in the next few days. And leave this part alone.
This part here’s not that important. And the rest of it, have fun
with it!” And that opened the door for us. After that, there was
no turning back.


Looking back at the GH stories written for
Robert Scorpio, is there one where you would
change the outcome?
Lynn P.
A That’s hard to say because a lot of them have kind of gone
by the wayside for me. I try not to dwell on the past too much. I
can’t truly think of anything that I would have changed. I think
for the most part, his evolvement on GENERAL HOSPITAL
has been a very good one. There has never been any real ques-
tion marks on decisions that he’s made. He’s a guy that believes
in law and order. And yes, he does bend the law, but I don’t
think he’s broken it. I’d have to say I’m pretty happy with the
way he’s evolved. And I think the public is, too. He’s looked
upon as an honorable character, maybe the most honorable


Longtime fan here,
I have loved your
Robert Scorpio
from the very beginning.
You have made me laugh,
made me cry and pretty
much every emotion in
between. I am wondering
if stepping back into the
character is like wearing
comfy clothes or whether
you have to research any
of the past for the present
circumstances to make
sense. Example: Did you
have any idea that Robert
had been to law school?
Janie M.
AWhen the idea of Robert
becoming DA was presented
to me, I didn’t think it would
actually happen. Then,
when they made my brother
the police commissioner, I
thought, “Oh, okay so there’s
got to be an element of truth
to this!” And then when it
actually happened, I thought,
“Okay, we’ve got to make this
plausibly justifiable,” so I kind
of sat down and did a timeline.
It was possible that he could
have gone to law school. The
fact that he never actually
mentioned it is kind of weird;
however, I went along with it.
He kind of dismissed [his legal
training] because the Bureau
was his first love. That’s how I
justified it. Was stepping back
into the character like wearing
comfy clothes? Yeah, kind of.
Nowadays, he’s in suits. That’s
different! It’s not the casual
gear that I’ve been in for the
last three years; he’s now back
in suits, respectable, well-
dressed, etc. So that was the
only real difference.

Island Time: In 1981, Scorpio landed
on Cassadine Island with Laura (Genie
Francis) and Luke (Anthony Geary).


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