Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


When you
ing with Emma
[Samms, ex-
Holly], did you
sense there
was something
special there? I
know I did when
I started watch-
ing this magical
Aaron D.
A Yes, no question
about it. We had a
spark. We would
add a lot of things
to the scenes and
we would take stuff out. Gloria always
went along with it. She liked what we
did and the response from the public was
very positive. It was originally intended
for Holly to go back to Luke. But the
public response was so powerful that they
said, “No, we can’t break this up. We’ll
find someone else for him.” And that’s
what happened. It can’t work now, simply
because Emma’s got a lifestyle in England.
It’s too far away. She doesn’t want to
keep flying back and forth and that’s the
end of it. I know it’s not the end of it with
the public, but it’s the foreseeable end of
it as far as we’re concerned. That’s why
they had me put in the line in a scene with
Laura when she asked about Holly, and
I said, “No, we’re not together anymore.
The world got in the way and pulled us
apart.” It was put in so there’s a clear break
leading the way clear for someone else to
come in [as a love interest for Robert].

Dynamic Duo: Rogers
and Emma Samms (ex-
Holly), pictured in 1983,
were a Port Charles



Would you ever write a book about your life? I for one would love to
hear all your stories from GH’s heyday!
Edward A.
A I’ve been asked to do this a number of times; on two occasions I actually started. It comes
up on a monthly basis — “When are you gonna do it? You have all this stuff to be proud of,”
yada, yada, yada. But I’ve got a lot of things I want to do yet. I can’t commit to it.


Is there a performer in
GH’s history you would
have liked to have worked
with more than you ever did?
What about now?
Matthew W.
A The character I wish stayed on the
show longer was Billie Hayes, who
played O’Reilly. She was only meant
to be on the show for a day and we
managed to stretch that out for about
three or four weeks. The pairing was
so unusual and we got along so great
together. I still think about that now. As
for somebody now, if I haven’t worked
with somebody, you can be sure at some
point that I will because that’s what
they’re doing with me. I’m working in
and out of a whole lot of characters that
I haven’t even met before.

Billie Club:The actor has fond memories of
working alongside Billie Hayes (ex-O’Reilly)
in 1981.
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