Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


I love the twist of Mac and Robert
working together in law enforce-
ment. What do you think of it?
Nancy L.
A To me, putting the Scorpio brothers as
the head of law enforcement is a no-brainer.
That should’ve happened a long while ago.
The fact that it’s happening now, okay, fine.
I think the fans are going to like it. There’s
something going on with this Shiloh character,
and there’s a kind of a weird, uneasy friend-
ship between Robert and Sonny. Again, this is
a good idea that should have been done seven
or eight years ago. I don’t know where that’s
going to go, but Maurice [Benard, Sonny] and
I both see the possibilities of that relationship.



Tristan, it puts a smile on my
face to have you back in Port
Charles. I actually cried when
you left in 1992. Looking back, do
you regret leaving GH then?
Julie I.
A I kind of had to get away from it. I was
about to become a parent. I was very unhappy
being on the show at that time. I didn’t like the
direction it was going. I had a real yearning to
do something else. I started to research a proj-
ect about motor racing because there wasn’t
a similar project out there at all. I couldn’t
do that while I was on the show. I said, “I’m
going.” Nobody believed it! I left and went off

and started to develop FAST TRACK, which
was the name of the show. The downside of it
was that we had to do it in Canada. That just
wasn’t part of my plan. I had it all set to do it
in Charlotte. I had all kinds of doors opened. I
even had it financed. Unfortunately, Showtime
had production facilities in Canada and that’s
where they wanted to do it. But I don’t regret
leaving at the time. I mean, I passed up a lot of
money. A lot of people had said to me, “If you
stayed on the show, it never would’ve gone in
the direction that it went.” I don’t know about
that, but I think if I had stayed, it certainly
would’ve had an impact on how the show


I have rooted for Robert
and Anna since the day she
tied him up on Valentine’s
Day. Do you think he has any lin-
gering feelings for her?
Lara R.
A Well, the
term “linger-
ing feelings”
can be inter-
preted in many
ways. They’re
older together
and they’ve
together. I
think one of
the best scenes
they ever did
wasn’t on
it was on
SHIFT. Anna turns to Robert and says,
“At the end of the day, when we can’t do
this anymore and we haven’t met some-
body else, how about margaritas on the
beach?” And Robert says, “Yeah. I’d be in
for that.” That basically said it all.

Law And Order: Rogers is thrilled that Robert
and Mac (John J. York, l.) are back in action
at the PCPD. Also pictured: Steve Burton as


Circumstance: Rogers
with Finola Hughes as
Anna on GH: NIGHT
SHIFT in 2008.
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