Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Hudson West (Jake, GH) loves working
with his on-screen brothers, William Lipton
(Cameron) and Jason David (Aiden). “I love
William,” West enthuses. “He’s just the best
and he’s always in such a good mood on set
and always so nice to me. I can really sense
the older brother in him because he’s always
trying to involve Jason and me and talking to
us and stuff — and he always compliments
my mom’s brownies that she cooks for every-
one at GENERAL HOSPITAL. I really like
Jason, too. He’s really fun and energetic and
has such a cool personality. He and Scarlett
[Fernandez, Charlotte] are always hanging
out and talking; they really like each other. I
can remember doing Christmas scenes with


him when he was really young and now his
character is really growing and it’s so fun to
work with both of them.” Especially when
the script calls for the boys to get a little
rambunctious. “The writers know that kids
can get a little wild,” West grins. “I’m not
usually real rowdy or anything, so I kind of
have to act when it comes to that, like when
Becky [Herbst, Elizabeth] called out to me,
like, ‘Are you going to get the paintings?’ and
I swung over the couch and ran up the stairs. I
loved doing that!”


Oscar-nominated telenovela star Demián Bichir
(Santiago, GRAND HOTEL) has found a happy
home on television. “I’ve been lucky to participate in
the past in a comedy series called WEEDS,” Bichir
relays. “This is now my third time on American
TV, and basically I respond to the same thing. I’m
always looking for strong material, whether it is on
TV, films or theater. That is what I found here. To
me, this [show] is about the human experience and
who’s in charge of it. And I love Eva [Longoria,
executive producer; Beatriz et al]. I can’t say no. No
one can say no to Eva! A great, powerful captain
can lead a big ship into a happy port, and the beau-
ty of that is they can gather the best artists in every
position — not only in the fantastic cast we have,
but in every department. So that, to me, is what I’m
looking for, and I couldn’t be happier and luckier.”

Demián is
thrilled to
be working
with Eva.




Hudson (l.) feels a bond with
William (c.) and Jason.
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