Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Favorite Thing About Andre? “Andre’s an
impostor because he copied what Tony was.
That’s how I played them. While Tony has
taste, Andre was a klutz. If he tripped, you’d
go, ‘Okay, that’s Andre.’ I’d play that for
comedic value. I seemed to take more chances
with Andre.”

Best Thing About Returning From The
Dead?“That people have missed you. It’s
always nice to be loved ... Another thing
about coming back from the dead that I
like is that it’s having a new element in life
that you didn’t know about. You’re bringing
something different apart from the fact that
you’ve gotten older. And physically, in many
ways, you wonder if you’ve got the stamina.
I mean, my first week back was 11 shows.
Albert [Alarr, co-executive producer] said to
me, ‘Oh, my God! How are you going to do
11 shows?’ But I did them all.”

Best Thing About Working With Leann
Hunley (Anna)?“She’s a pro, caring ... the
dance between us. Albert said, ‘I just love
the way the two of you come together.’
And you realize it doesn’t always happen
that way. I’ve worked with other actresses
and there’s a certain element that’s not
there. Leann trusts me and I trust her. The
element with Leann more than anything is
the fun, and she’s
such a sincere
human. I also
like the way she
says, ‘Honey.’ I
remember one
time she put
her hand on my
arm and said,
‘Oh, honey,
don’t get upset.
It’s not worth
it.’ That’s how
she calmed me
down in between

Best Memory Of The Late
Joseph Mascolo (ex-Stefano)?
“Can this be a funny story? Joe
used to laugh at me because
sometimes when we took pictures,
I’d stand on my toes to be as tall as
him. He used to laugh hysterically.
He’d say, ‘Shorty, come on. Stand.’
Joe and I used to share [a dressing]
room. One day, I left. I said, ‘Okay,
Joe. See you on Monday.’ Then I
forgot something, so I went back.
In the meantime, Joe had taken his
shoes off. I didn’t realize that he had
these heels and also [lifts] inside the
shoes, which made him four inches
taller. I opened the door and he was
shorter than me. I looked at him and
he went, ‘Oh!’ He got on his
toes and started walking around
the room wondering, ‘What did
you need?’ And I’m thinking,
‘My God, he’s on his toes.’
That’s how much it affected
him about his height. All those
years, I thought that he was
laughing at me, and I realized he
was shorter than I was. I never
said anything to him. He also
gave me a gift for Easter once.
It was [a chocolate] Easter egg
or a bunny. When I opened it
up, it was half-eaten. That was
JILL JOHNSON/JPI Daddy. That was Big Daddy.”


Trust Factor: Penghlis and
Leann Hunley (Anna) have
a special rapport.

Stand Tall: Penghlis had a play-
ful relationship with the late
Joseph Mascolo (ex-Stefano).
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