JULY 2019 157
Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec)
July will be a month of reflection. Coupled with the fact that
it’s a Mercury Retrograde month and your path will feel like
it’s even more riddled with obstacles than before, it might
be wise to take a back seat to see what can be changed in
your approach. A solution or a new idea is necessary so
you don’t feel like you’re working towards nothing. A lot of
hard work has been put in but you have felt like you have
nothing to show for it. It’s time to stop to take a breather
and reflect and rethink your plans.
Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar)
It’s the perfect month to retreat inwards and connect with
yourself. Pay attention to your dreams and your instincts.
Keep a dream journal if it helps, pay attention to who you
meet and places you are drawn to. This could be like a
jigsaw for what the direction of your path should be. You
are on your way to creating stability and security in your
future. So, pay attention to your gut instincts when having
to make crucial decisions.
Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr)
This is an extremely trying time for Aries emotionally as well
as mentally. Help is available for you, if you allow yourself
to open up to realising the cause of your distress. It’s easy
to fall into the trap of being a victim, but harder to come
out of it and look at this from a different perspective. Until
you become aware that you are solely responsible for your
situation and that only you have the power to change your
position in your situation, then nothing can change. The
clue lies in your subconscious. The good news is, you do
wake up to this realisation by month’s end, just as Mercury
Retrograde draws to a close.
Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May)
You might be rubbing people up the wrong way this month
if you keep up with your “superior” attitude. You may
have raked up a good number of years of experience in
your field to command the respect that you deserve, but
stepping down from your high horse every now and then
and seeing the team as “us” rather than “me” will actually
create a healthier working environment and a much more
productive team. The key is to exercise your authority in
moderation. You don’t need to be cracking the whip all the
time to get what you want.
Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun)
With this being a Mercury Retrograde month, you can
expect communication with family to be pear-shaped.
Most of the conflict or miscommunication you will face
this month will be associated with family. This will either
concern family finances or property – for example, sorting
out a will or splitting up an inheritance. You could throw
your toys out of your pram until you get your way, or you
could simply walk away and let karma deal with things. If
you choose to proceed with the former, then expect to cause
friction and possibly the severing of some relationships. It’s a
tricky month for relationships, so tread carefully. Hold your
tongue, if you can, and it should be a smooth month ahead.
Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov)
The focus is on relationships this month. The emotional
side of Scorpio comes out in full force. The lesson to be
learned will be to create balance with your emotions, and
to be objective. It’s okay to be in love and make that the
reason for holding onto a relationship. Seek help if you
must to give yourself the opportunity to see things from
a different perspective. Communicate to erase doubt. But
also be careful when it comes to this communication – be
as clear as you can. Make it in writing if possible, so as to
avoid things being taken out of context.
Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan)
It’s a fabulous time to be thinking about getting into a new
business venture, partnering up with some with a brilliant
idea or finding an investment opportunity. It’s the month to
start planning around growing your money. However, don’t
act in haste and part with your money too quickly – the clue
is in those words “thinking about”. So, it’s a month to spend
time researching and getting as much information as you
can about your potential investment idea so you know what
you’re getting yourself into. It’s a great month to earn from a
sale of a property as well; so, get your property valued and
hold off on getting things on the market till next month!
Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)
Your creative juices are flowing this month. The question is,
do you do something about them or let someone else use
them? Apart from your creativity bubbling, your instincts
are going to feel very sharp. Learn to open yourself up to the
possibility of expansion and taking that spark of an idea and
fanning it to a great flame. It might be a good idea to partner
up to see your idea through. Working with someone helps
to create a balanced action plan. Take your time and use
your instincts to guide you when finding a suitable partner.