4 JULY 2019
Taking part in last month’s EL “Career Shifters” event, about
successfully changing your career, got me thinking about
how many of the tips that were mentioned are relevant to
whatever new life stage we are in.
I’ve also just attended a high-school graduation ceremony and a lot of what was
mentioned in the excellent speeches was about the transition from childhood to adulthood,
and the things that can block that from happening effectively. These include not listening
to yourself, and staying in a state of wanting to be looked after in a young way.
When we become girlfriends, or husbands and wives later on, we need to look at
how we can make changes in our behaviour and attitudes to help in the success of that
relationship. When we become parents – a role that few of us give enough thought about
before actually having children – we need to have goals and guidelines to help direct us.
Moving to a new country will involve making new friends, having a different lifestyle
and new jobs (including perhaps being a stay-at-home parent for the first time); these
things set us a whole new challenge, but also an opportunity to be successful.
The key attribute mentioned at the graduation by Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, the US
Chargé D’Affaires in Singapore, was having an attitude of gratitude. So, focusing on what
you do have instead of what you don’t. Also, not having the word “can’t” in your vocabulary
(though, as we live in Singapore, that should probably be “cannot”!). My own suggestion
would be adaptability, focusing on where you are right now, but also being able to adjust
your views and existing structures and attitudes.
At this time of year, there are often people arriving and leaving, so it’s a time to take
another look at how successful we can be in either of those transitions.
We’d like to extend a huge welcome to any newcomers; we hope you find the pages of
our mag and our website helpful. And, to those who are heading off, take your time to
change and adapt to the new life and embrace it.
Home is wherever you lay your head!