Expat Living Singapore – July 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

JULY 2019 71

Lies van Asten (11), Dutch
School: Gems World Academy
Ambassador: Paula Parviainen, Finland

Why did you want to be Ambassador for a
I thought it would be cool to walk through a day
with an ambassador. I also thought that it would
be a life-changing opportunity as you usually don’t
get the chance to see what an ambassador does on
a normal day. I also wanted to know what women
in a high position can do to influence the world.

How did you and the ambassador spend
your time together?
The Finnish Ambassador and I mostly attended
meetings during the day, and for lunch the Deputy
Prime Minister came, along with Pasi Sahlberg,
a Finnish
professor, and
Jaya Mohideen,
the Ambassador
from Singapore
to Finland. We
also bought
flowers to put
on the table for
the lunch.

What did you expect from the day? What
was the biggest surprise?
I didn’t have too many expectations as I had no clear
view what an ambassador might do during the day.
I didn’t expect it to be so tiring as it was with all the
meetings! I also didn’t expect that the day was going
to be about education; I did enjoy this a lot because
I’m a student myself. I was surprised at how much
I enjoyed Finnish food – and I didn’t think I would
ever try reindeer in my life! I also thought that the
Deputy Prime Minister might not talk to me, but
on the contrary, he was very friendly and we had
a great chat.

Do you think this experience might affect
what you choose to do for a career?
I think it will affect my choice of career because
now I’ve found out that girls can achieve anything
in life. It has strengthened my idea of becoming
a scientist after a good education, with a view to
creating a better world.

Thulsa Miqdhaadh Moosa (16), Maldivian
School: Overseas Family School
Ambassador: Dorte Bech Vizard, Denmark

Why did you want to be
Ambassador for a Day?
I’ve always had a passion
for learning about the world
of diplomacy, international
relations and UN sustainable
development. I wanted to
learn about how being an
ambassador can lead to
making a difference in our
world and allow everyone to benefit from the right to live as equal
beings with equal opportunities.

How did you and the ambassador spend your time
We took part in a variety of different activities and events throughout
the day, including attending a beautiful Anzac Day service, where I was
honoured to lay the wreath with the ambassador. We also attended
business meetings, signed a condolence book, toured Tulipmania,
hosted an event and simply learned more about each other.

What did you expect from the day? What was the
biggest surprise?
I truly didn’t know what to expect, but I’ve now realised how it is an
immensely important role to represent and promote your country.
One after the other, the day was full of surprises. My favourite was
how warm-hearted and welcoming everyone was at the embassy,
regardless of how busy they all were. HE Ms Dorte is such an
amazing role model, and someone who I aspire to be like one day.

Do you think this experience might affect what you
choose to do for a career?
I now know more about the different roles in an embassy and the
responsibilities of an ambassador. It’s most definitely a career path
I will now consider. In one day, I’ve learnt so much about public
diplomacy, trade, consular, the maritime industry, sustainability,
health, technology and more.

In just one day,
I’ve learnt so much about public
diplomacy, trade, sustainability,
technology and more!

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