Heartfulness – July 2019

(Tina Meador) #1

We have recently been looking at bringing individual
Dharma Centers – where they have events or teachings
that are relevant to the community or followers worldwide

  • into our platform. Basically we have a system of providing
    for the distribution of the webcasts, which is all integrated.
    People can sign in with a user ID, they can make donations
    or not, it’s up to them.

But most of what’s really happening, in terms of the big
events, is happening in the monasteries and the nunneries,
especially for the arranged pujas. You have 200 monks
who do the prayer for half a day, and there’s an energy.
It’s really extraordinary when there are that many people
all doing the same practice, and they’re trained to do it.

Q: There’s a history of Buddhism in the
Indo-Nepali part of the country, which
goes back to the original traditions.

Yes, that’s definitely true, but it’s much more. I think in
our educational system we value empirical evidence.
What people are only starting to realize broadly is that
the foundations of what we call empirical evidence are
completely subjective in a sense. For example, first there
was Einstein and his theory of general relativity. Then
you had Neils Bohr and Heisenberg and the whole quantum
worldview, which has taken a long time for the average
person in the West to even understand.

July 2019 33

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