Heartfulness – July 2019

(Tina Meador) #1

Heartfulness Yogasanas


Lie flat on your back with legs straight and together.

Arms by the side of your body with palms facing downwards.

Breathe in deeply and retain the breath inside.

Simultaneously raise your legs, arms and shoulders off the ground.

Ensure that your arms and legs remain straight.

Point your arms towards your feet.

Stretch and tense your whole body, feel the tensing of every muscle.

Try to hold this raised position for as long as possible, while retaining
your breath.

Come back to the floor.

Relax in Shavasana.


  • Very good asana for relaxing
    the muscles and joint of
    the body.

  • Brings immediate relief to
    people suffering from
    nervousness and tension.

July 2019 75

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