International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1

wall, and it allows for easy storage and
endless arrangements within a home.
For my paintings I use hot-pressed
watercolor paper with transparent
watercolors. I use masking liquid
and masking tape for highlights.
The coloring technique that I use is a
typical drawing method, where I start
the painting from the brightest part,
drawing the darkest part and then
ending. If the highlights are weak, they
are supplemented with white opaque
watercolor. It takes me about 20 to
24 hours across three days for me to
complete each painting.
Wind, transparent watercolor, 12 x 16" (31 x 41 cm)
This piece was inspired by walking along the river in early summer. The wind was comfortable, so I stopped for a while. I looked at the grass swaying in the wind
and the shining surface of the water. In my design, the swaying grass and water’s surface are split up and down. It is a composition with a sense of security and
calm. Representation of light and wind is important to this piece. The grass is masked in three stages of light, medium and dark. Highlights are supplemented
with white opaque watercolors.

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