International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1
Important Principles of Art 141

It can be powerful beyond reason. The
drawings don’t have to be any more
than scribbles. The idea is to turn those
scribbles into something from within
that builds confidence and an amazing,
positive feeling about oneself. The
time used is part of the joy. There are
workshops, books, YouTube lessons and
art magazines like International Artist.
Mix it back and forth with “paint by
numbers” that show structure and
color. Art is finally available for all!
We’re not looking for another
Leonardo da Vinci (could be) or
Charles Schulz. What happens here
is creating from within. Doing these
drawings brings a strength that
can withstand much of what might
trouble us. Even when I was 8 years
old, my simple drawings were my
SHAZAM! Please believe my words
here and use this idea where you feel
it might be needed.
P.S. For starters, have someone draw
the profile in this article. You will be
quite amazed at what can happen.

Finishing the Painting
There comes a point when I can no
longer look at a painting that I’m
working on. Because I know there’s
always something that needs fussing
and there can be no end to this. Most
art pieces are filled with thousands of
strokes. Are we saying that every stroke
is finally perfect? So we have to declare,
“OK, that’s it! I can no longer feast my
eyes on this work of art. It’s me on the
easel and it’s done.”
After it’s complete and hanging

somewhere, I generally don’t want to see
it again. Same with a letter I’ve sent or a
book I’ve written. I don’t want to re-read
and say, “Oh boy, what was I thinking
when I wrote this?” There are exceptions;
you can imagine what they are.
I look at a finished work of art as
then. As I write these words to you,
this is now. (Incidentally, thank you for
reading my words for me.)

Be Your Own Guide
Do we have to have someone else
endlessly tell us if and when we’re
inspired, being creative and excited
with certain artworks?
I well remember my early years when
I was told what to appreciate and why.
Finally, I entered the real world, which
is a continual eye- and mind-opening
experience. It didn’t take long in
understanding that we finally do get a
mind of our own.

Still, there will come a time in the
future when art is not overly explained
as it is today. Will people casually accept
or reject what they see without being
“informed?” Goodness, then what?

Distinct Features
There are over 7 billion faces on earth.
They’re basically similar with eyes,
nose and mouth. And, oh yes, the
eyebrows. Those eyebrows are more
distinctive than most people realize.
And they are noticed immediately
even from a distance as they “speak”
silently; whether shifting or stationary.
Oh, the subtleties. Much history has
been veered this way and that by those
eyebrows. Something to ponder and
remember. Important for the artist and
observing life.

A Reminder
When I started as an artist, I had almost

Stage 2

I’m using around four values and keeping
the shapes simple. What I’m showing is
basically what I’m after. In time, I might go
for more subtle values. You’ve seen plenty of
my works both sketched and finished. Here
I’m showing you specifically what I’m after
before the fussing; I want to keep this drama
without too much detailing. The drama of a
strong individual.

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