International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Shawn Robichaud Ontario, Canada, Winter Shimmer, oil, 16 x 20" (41 x 51 cm)
My Inspiration
As an artist, my approach is contemporary.
Each canvas serves as a page in the chronicle
of a man rediscovering his Canadian roots,
his passion and his art. Through my art, my
goal is to capture the mood, emotions and
memories far beyond words. I am inspired
by the nature and landscapes that surround
my hometown of Capreol, Ontario, where
wildlife is literally at my doorstep. I draw
inspiration from artists worldwide, but I do
especially love the great Canadian pioneers
of art, The Group of Seven, who captured
the untouched moments and wonder of our
northern landscapes.
My Design Strategy
My design strategy is to capture the
moment, mood, light and shadows which
together creates my vision on canvas. My
goal is to create work that will cause the
viewer to pause and reflect; to have the
viewer step into the moment I experienced
firsthand. In capturing northern landscapes,
my hope is that every piece of my art evokes
emotion. A moment of quiet reflection and
perhaps self-discovery in this chaotic world
in which we live. I strive to call attention to
what is already there, but often overlooked.
My Working Process
I first prep my canvas by toning it with a
mixture of Gamblin Galkyd mixed with an
oil burnt umber set to dry. I then position
my composition in a very light sketch before
starting my work. My choice of medium
used in my paintings is oil. Oil paints have
rich colors and artists can work in the wet
paint for a long time before it dries. The
depth, light and shadows come to life as
I paint and the initial vision is created. There
is a sort of romance painting with a medium
that has been around since the 15th century.
Contact Details
» Email: [email protected]
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