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Diner Window, gouache, 5 x 8" (13 x 20 cm)
It’s a rare snowfall in April. I want to paint the view out the diner window while showing a little of the interior space as well. The challenge is
to fi gure out how to represent the relative tonal values, which vary greatly in intensity. Even though I’m seeing a lot of light and dark details
outside the windows when my eyes adjust, it helps me to make everything outside lighter than it appears.
Ice Water, gouache over casein underpainting, 5 x 8" (13 x 20 cm)
It’s lunchtime. I eat my burger and fries and then dive into
a gouache painting. The afternoon light shines from behind
through the lemon and the bumpy plastic cup. The white
paper placemat is partly in shadow and partly in light, but
neither is pure white. The highlights are lighter than the
values of the placemat, but even still they aren’t pure white.
Cooler Case, gouache, casein, and colored pencils, 5 x 8" (13 x 20 cm)
The middle of the afternoon is quiet time at the diner. There’s a cooler case
behind the counter. Barb takes a sponge to the stainless steel doors, which
refl ect two wavy swirls of light. One swirl is the yellow fl uorescent light, and
the other is the green trees outside. Barb calls out to Mel, “Don’t let me go
home without a piece of carrot cake or cheesecake. That’s my treat to myself.”