International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1

This stage is basically tiding up of the
previous step; I add the shadow side
of the roof on the building with a
mix of ultramarine and crimson. The
underside shadows of the building
are painted with ultramarine and
burnt sienna. I suggest a row of
trees and their shadows using same
mixture used for the middle-ground
trees. It is an important element
as it connects from one side of the
painting to another. This visual
connection is necessary to this
empty area of the middle ground. I
define some reflections of the pond,
by re-wetting this area with clean
water and running a combination
of burnt sienna and raw sienna to
create murky water. In this situation,
it is under the reflections that we see
the true colour of water.
The middle-ground trees are painted while the mountains (painted in the previous wash) were damp. By using a stronger mixture of ultramarine
blue, raw sienna and alizarin crimson, I define the tree canopy shapes. Again, I’m careful to cut around the rooftops of the buildings. I vary the
consistencies of these three colours to create volume of the foliage. As the trees come forward they become slightly darker, warmer and more
vertical in shape. While it’s damp I drop in a bit of ultramarine blue under the trees to create some impressions of shadows. As the light source is at
the centre the shadows radiate outward, and it’s important to get their angles correct.

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