
(avery) #1
Common Name
English : Prickly chaff flower
Hindi : Latjira
Manipuri : Khujum-pere
Scientific Name
Group : Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family : Amaranthaceae
Genus : Achyranthes
Species : aspera Linn.

Habit : Perennial profuse herb
Parts Used : Leaf, Seed and Root
Mode of Preparation : Leaf crushed with water for extract. Tender shoot cooked with fresh prawn.
Leaves crushed for decoction
Mode of use : Decoction and fresh
Ingredients : The roots contain triterpenoid saponins, betaine, achyranthine, hentriacontane,
ecdysterone and two glycosides of oleanolic acid have been reported .The dried
dehusked seeds contain amino acid. Two numbers of Saponins C and D isolated
from fruits.
Ailment Treated : Leaf extract is taken orally in piles and skin-sores, improves appetite useful in,
menstrual disorder, bronchitis, itching, asthma and cough. Decoction of herb is
diuretic, used in renal dropsies. Roots are chewed as remedy in pyorrhoea and other
gum complaints. Seeds are used in hydrophobia. Tender shoot cooked with fresh prawn
is eaten to purify blood and for healthy growth of children.
Source : Very common in the valley especially in pasture lands, other waste lands and under
bamboo shade.

Prickly chaff flower
Dinesh Valke CC BY-SA 2.

Prickly chaff flower
Jeevan Jose CC BY-SA 4.


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